My Media Consumption


  • Which daily newspapers (if any) do you read?
          I don't read any currently
  • What sections of newspapers do you turn to first, and why?
        The last time I read a newspaper the first page I used to turn to was the current news
  • What sections do you never read, and why?
         I don't remember the sections I never read.
  • What kinds of stories do you usually read and why?
         I usually read the more eye catching ones eg. arrests , murders
  • Do you, or someone else, buy the newspaper you read?
         I normally read the newspapers that were on the bus when travelling to school
  • Do you look at the online versions of any newspapers? Which newspapers? Why do you visit their website and not others?
         I prefer online newspapers , usually BBC News. Whenever I need a credible news source I visit their website because I trust them the most out of other newspapers like Daily News , The Sun OR The Guardian. I prefer Online Newspapers Because they're easier to find and I don't normally have to read it; It's also easily accessible.

  • What magazines (if any) do you buy regularly?  Why/why not?
       I don't read any magazines as they don't appeal to me much. Weather that be a fashion or sport magazine I am utterly uninterested.
  • What sections of the magazines do you read and not read, and why?
  • Approximately how many hours a week do you spend watching television?
         During Holidays I usually spend maybe 6-7 hours watching television: during School terms I watch around 2-3 hours of television. Due to the fact that during holidays I'm not preoccupied with clubs or school work compared to school terms. 
  • What device do you use to watch television?
        I usually alternate between the TV, my phone or my laptop depending on what app I'm using to watch television.
  • What times of day do you usually watch television?
          The earliest times I watch TV is around 10:30 am and the latest could be up until 12;30 pm
  • What programmes do you like best and why?
        I like K-Dramas the best as I find the culture of Cinema( weather it be acting, behind the scenes , cinematography and the way the audience engages with celebrities) very intriguing as its very different to how the West does it. 
  • Do you watch alone or with others? If you watch with others, who decides what you will watch?
         I prefer to watch TV alone as I can Indulge without someone  interrupting or asking me watch the plot is.
  • Do you watch 'live' TV or on-demand/catch-up? Do you use any other devices to watch TV (such as laptop or tablet?)
          I exclusively watch on-demand/Catch up as all the shows are watch are released on streaming services.
  • Do you listen to the radio?
        I only listen to radio in the car or on Alex at home
  • If yes, what stations do you like best and why?
         I prefer Capital Extra the best because they play music that I mostly know
  • Do you listen to podcasts?
         I do sometimes listen to Podcasts, not frequently.
  • If yes, what podcasts have you listened to recently?
         Recently I've listened to Suburbs Talks( Where a group of friends talk about their lives and share their experiences- from middle school/high school to their early 20's and give advice on all of it) and ShxtsandGigs( Two close friends share the experiences they've been through from relationships and friendships as well as funny and entertaining stories) ; they're also Black British.
  • Approximately how many hours a week do you spend listening to podcasts or radio?
         I spend around 1-2 hours listening to radio/Podcasts
  • What times of the day do you usually listen to podcasts or radio?
         I usually listen to them during 9;30 am to 1 pm.
  • Where do you listen to podcast or radio?
        I usually listen to them at home.
  • What other activities (if any) do you do whilst listening?
       I usually clean or do house chores while listening to either the radio or podcasts.
  • Does anyone else in your house listen to the radio or podcasts? If so, when do they listen?
          My parents and siblings listen to radio at home usually when everyone is cleaning the house and in the car when we are all going somewhere.
  • What films have you seen in the cinema in the last month?
        The latest film I saw in the cinema was Inside Out with my grandparents and younger siblings.
  • What films have you seen in other places – for example, through Netflix, Amazon Prime, satellite/cable film channels (free or otherwise) or streaming?
         The Wolf of Wallstreet, Unlocked, lady Bird( which I still haven't finished, as well as Luckiest Girl Alive).
  • Who else watched the films with you?
         My family, usually on Sundays when my Grandparents come over to my house for Dinner.
  • Who decided what films to watch?
        We all vote, but if it's someone's birthday they get to decide.
  • What devices do you typically use to watch films: TV, laptop, tablet, phone etc.?
       I watch films on everything- my phone, TV and laptop, depending on what streaming service it's on.
  • How often do you access the internet?
       I access the internet everyday.
  • Where do you access the internet? At home, at school, commuting etc.
       I access the internet when commuting( as I cannot walk anywhere without music in my ears-which may damage my ears in the future but i digress) and when I'm doing a task( homework, cleaning my room).
  • What are the main sites that you access?
      I mainly access Spotify( as I am typing this I am listening to Spotify),  Snapchat,Whatsapp, Netflix,Tik Tok, Online Banking, Satchel One and Google Classroom
  • What are the main reasons for accessing these sites – for example, for information, to make purchases, communicate with friends or for entertainment?
      Spotify- To listen to music endlessly
      Netflix- To watch movies and TV shows( When downloaded I can also watch it on the go)
      Snapchat- To communicate with my friends, classmates and other people I'm not close enough with to have their number)
       Whatsapp- To communicate with my family and older relatives
       Tik Tok- To entertain myself when I need to pass time but I don't want to make the commitment of watching something or reading.
       Satchel One- To stay on top of my school work
       Google Classroom- To get information about my school work
       Online Banking- To understand how much money I have and how much I can or cannot spend.
  • What other activities (if any) do you do whilst accessing the internet?
        I may facetime my friends or family or phone call them. I may be out with my friends or family at a party or outing and I will scroll on social media or reply to someones text message on Snapchat if i'm not entirely occupied.
  • What different devices do you use to access the internet? What is your primary device for accessing the internet?
        I use my phone or my laptop to access the internet but my main? primary device is my phone.
  • What social networks do you use regularly (e.g. Twitter, Instagram)? Why do you belong to these networks in particular?
       I use Snapchat and Instagram regularly. I only use these because I have my friends on there and communicate with them through these apps.
Final section: reflection
  • How can you develop the amount and variety of media you consume?
        I can read more newspapers and magazines and maybe find a magazine genre I like.
  • What will you change in your media consumption habits this year as a result of studying A Level Media?
        I will spend less time scrolling mindlessly on social media and read more newspapers and magazines.
  • List three sources of media (websites/newspapers/apps/TV programmes etc.) that you will start to access this year that you haven't engaged with previously.
     1) Magazines
     2) Radio
     3) Newspapers


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